Results for 'I. I. Doyle'

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  1.  37
    The moral implications of the subversion of the Nonproliferation Treaty regime.I. I. Doyle & E. Thomas - 2009 - Ethics and Global Politics 2 (2).
  2.  38
    Learning about death: a project report from the Edinburgh University Medical School.I. E. Thompson, C. P. Lowther, D. Doyle, J. Bird & J. Turnbull - 1981 - Journal of Medical Ethics 7 (2):62-66.
    A report of a problem-based learning project on the ethics of terminal care, offered as one of the options available to first year MB ChB students in Edinburgh University Medical School. The project formed part of the 'clinical correlation course' in the new curriculum. Six students took part under the supervision of two clinical tutors and a moral philosopher. The course was case-based and practical with students being given the opportunity over a period of eight weeks to meet patients, relatives (...)
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    Christian Philosophy and The Social Sciences.Charles I. Doyle - 1936 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 12:106-109.
  4. Problem: Relations Between Scholastic Psychology and Modern Psychology.Charles I. Doyle - 1936 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 12:103.
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    Two Notes.A. I. Doyle - 1964 - Moreana 1 (4):111-112.
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    Non-monotonic logic I.Drew McDermott & Jon Doyle - 1980 - Artificial Intelligence 13 (1-2):41-72.
  7.  30
    No Morality, No Self: Anscombe’s Radical Skepticism.James Doyle - 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    It is becoming increasingly apparent that Elizabeth Anscombe, long known as a student, friend and translator of Wittgenstein, was herself one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century. No Morality, No Self examines her two best-known papers, in which she advanced her most amazing theses. In 'Modern Moral Philosophy', she claimed that the term moral, understood as picking out a special, sui generis category, is literally senseless and should therefore be abandoned. In 'The First Person', she maintained that (...)
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    An Empirical Analysis of the Ethical Reasoning of Tax Practitioners.Elaine Doyle, Jane Frecknall Hughes & Barbara Summers - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (2):325-339.
    How tax practitioners approach ethical dilemmas remains generally unexplored in academic literature. We use here Rest’s original Defining Issues Test (Development in judging moral issues. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1979; Moral development. Advances in research and theory. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1986), combined with a tax context-specific test and in conjunction with a control group of non-tax specialists, to examine tax practitioners’ moral reasoning in a social and tax context. We investigate: (i) the effect of a tax context on (...)
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    The moral implications of the subversion of the Nonproliferation Treaty regime.Thomas Doyle - 2009 - Ethics and Global Politics 2 (2):131-154.
    All non-nuclear-weapon states are morally and legally obliged by the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) to refrain from acquiring nuclear weapons. These obligations cannot be overridden for reasons of mere prudence. Only (i) material breaches of the treaty and/or a corresponding; (ii) ‘fundamental change in circumstances’ (rebus sic stantibus) that undermines the integrity of the NPT may override states parties’ legal nonproliferation duties. More than the violations of the NPT by ‘rogue’ states like North Korea or Iran, I argue that the (...)
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  10. Socrates and Gorgias.James Doyle - 2010 - Phronesis 55 (1):1-25.
    In this paper I try to solve some problems concerning the interpretation of Socrates' conversation with Gorgias about the nature of rhetoric in Plato's Gorgias (448e6-461b2). I begin by clarifying what, ethically, is at stake in the conversation (section 2). In the main body of the paper (sections 3-6) I address the question of what we are to understand Gorgias as believing about the nature of rhetoric: I criticise accounts given by Charles Kahn and John Cooper, and suggest an alternative (...)
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  11.  17
    10. Can We Make Sense of a Nonreferential Account of “I”?James Doyle - 2017 - In No Morality, No Self: Anscombe’s Radical Skepticism. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. pp. 138-150.
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  12. Nietzsche, Consciousness, and Human Agency.Tsarina Doyle - 2011 - Idealistic Studies 41 (1-2):11-30.
    This paper examines how Nietzsche’s view of the mind and its relationship to nature informs his account of human agency. In particular, it focuses on his approach to the causal efficacy of conscious mental states. By examining the Leibnizean and Kantian background to this approach, I contend that Nietzsche proposes a naturalist but non-eliminativist account of mind, central to which is his anti-Cartesian denial that consciousness is intrinsic to the mental. However, Nietzsche ultimately oscillates between two accounts: the first, which (...)
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  13. Posner on Privacy.Tony Doyle - 2013 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 27 (2):147-160.
    Richard Posner is a leading contemporary critic of privacy. He is highly skeptical of most appeals to privacy, characterizing them as self-serving attempts to keep discrediting, embarrassing, or inconvenient facts from others. Accordingly, he is opposed to the legal protection of most personal information. Posner calls his own theory of privacy “economic.” He argues that the social “markets” in which people sell themselves as employees, business associates, friends, or mates would be far more efficient if nearly all personal information were (...)
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  14. Agency and observation in knowledge of one's own thinking.Casey Doyle - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):148-161.
    This essay addresses the question how we know our conscious thinking. Conscious thinking typically takes the form of a series of discrete episodes that constitute a complex cognitive activity. We must distinguish the discrete episodes of thinking in which a particular content is represented in phenomenal consciousness and is present “before the mind’s eye” from the extended activities of which these episodes form a part. The extended activities are themselves contentful and we have first-person access to them. But because their (...)
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  15.  18
    John of St. Thomas [Poinsot] on Sacred Science: Cursus Theologicus I, Question 1, Disputation 2.John P. Doyle & Victor M. Salas (eds.) - 2014 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    This volume offers an English translation of John of St. Thomas's Cursus theologicus I, question I, disputation 2. In this particular text, the Dominican master raises questions concerning the scientific status and nature of theology. At issue, here, are a number of factors: namely, Christianity's continual coming to terms with the "Third Entry" of Aristotelian thought into Western Christian intellectual culture - specifically the Aristotelian notion of 'science' and sacra doctrina's satisfaction of those requirements - the Thomistic-commentary tradition, and the (...)
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    My Doctor Smokes Camels - Maybe I Should Too.John Doyle - forthcoming - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine: An International Journal.
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    My Doctor Smokes Camels−Maybe I Should Too: Physician Imagery in Mid-20th-Century United States Cigarette Advertisements.D. John Doyle - 2019 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 10 (1):61-68.
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  18. Moral rationalism and moral commitment.James Doyle - 2000 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60 (1):1-22.
    Moral rationalism is identified as the view that moral constraints are rational constraints. This view seems implausible to many because it seems to involve belief in the fantastic-sounding possibility of egoist-conversion: that, in principle, an argument for moral constraints could be produced which would motivate a rational person who does not yet accept those constraints to observe them. Furthermore, the Humean want-belief model of motivation---the view that beliefs alone are incapable of motivating---seems to provide a good explanation for the impossibility (...)
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    Upon Rereading "Fiction and the Shape of Belief".Mary Doyle Springer - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 6 (2):221-229.
    If I choose two words in the book that I think have been most influential, I would choose "mutually exclusive." Sacks was scarcely the first critic to observe that the kinds of fiction are usually actions, apologues, or satires. But no other theoretician has insisted so cogently as he did that, as principles governing the interaction of parts in a coherent work, these principles are mutually exclusive, "mutually incompatible." The reason Sacks became a great journal editor was that the firmness (...)
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    8. Is the Fundamental Reference Rule for “I” the Key to Explaining First-Person Self-Reference?James Doyle - 2017 - In No Morality, No Self: Anscombe’s Radical Skepticism. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. pp. 102-117.
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    7. The Circularity Problem for Accounts of “I” as a Device of Self-Reference.James Doyle - 2017 - In No Morality, No Self: Anscombe’s Radical Skepticism. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. pp. 95-101.
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  22. Aiding self-knowledge.Casey Doyle - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (8):1104-1121.
    Some self-knowledge must be arrived at by the subject herself, rather than being transmitted by another’s testimony. Yet in many cases the subject interacts with an expert in part because she is likely to have the relevant knowledge of their mind. This raises a question: what is the expert’s knowledge like that there are barriers to simply transmitting it by testimony? I argue that the expert’s knowledge is, in some circumstances, proleptic, referring to attitudes the subject would hold were she (...)
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  23.  15
    11. Strategies for Saving “I” as a Singular Term: Domesticating FP and Deflating Reference.James Doyle - 2017 - In No Morality, No Self: Anscombe’s Radical Skepticism. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. pp. 151-176.
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  24. Privacy and perfect voyeurism.Tony Doyle - 2009 - Ethics and Information Technology 11 (3):181-189.
    I argue that there is nothing wrong with perfect voyeurism , covert watching or listening that is neither discovered nor publicized. After a brief discussion of privacy I present attempts from Stanley Benn, Daniel Nathan, and James Moor to show that the act is wrong. I argue that these authors fail to make their case. However, I maintain that, if detected or publicized, voyeurism can do grave harm and to that extent should be severely punished. I conclude with some thoughts (...)
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    "Der Kommentar des Radulphus Brito zu Buch I I I De Anima. Radulphus Britonis Quaestiones in Aristotelis librum tertium De Anima," ed. Winfried Fauser, S.J. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 1976 - Modern Schoolman 54 (1):69-72.
  26.  68
    Nietzsche on epistemology and metaphysics.Tsarina Doyle - unknown
    This thesis examines Nietzsche's philosophy as a response to Kant. I show that Kant, as interpreted by Nietzsche, dissociates epistemology and metaphysics. According to Nietzsche, the consequence of this dissociation is the collapse of Kant's transcendental epistemology into a sceptical idealism, which disables the making of positive metaphysical claims about the nature of reality. I argue that Nietzsche overcomes the dissociation of epistemology and metaphysics by rejecting Kant's distinction between constitutive, empirical knowledge and regulative, metaphysical belief. Furthermore, I show that (...)
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  27.  5
    Objectivity and Religious Truth: A Comparison of Wilfred Cantwell Smith and Bernard Lonergan.Dennis M. Doyle - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (3):461-480.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:OBJECTIVITY AND RELlGIOUS TRUTH: A COMPARISON OF WILFRED CANTWELL SMITH AND BERNARD LONERGAN DENNIS M. DOYLE University of Dayton Dayton, Ohio WILFRED CANTWELL SMITH •and Bernard Lonergan both propose a new agenda for theology n response to ;the same basic cultura.I developments.1 Both Smith and Lonergan pinpoint the crux of the current siturution!aJS the convergence of various cultures in a world where Western culture had.been heM by its (...)
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    The New Interventionism.Michael W. Doyle - 2001 - Metaphilosophy 32 (1-2):212-235.
    This paper focuses on the boundaries of political sovereignty, one key aspect of global political justice and an important background condition to the issues of global economic justice treated in the other papers of this volume. I first present an interpretive summary of the traditional arguments against and for intervention, stressing, to a greater extent than is usual, the consequentialist character of the ethics of intervention. It makes a difference whether we think that an intervention will do more good than (...)
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  29.  2
    Nietzsche on natural causality: translating the human back into nature.Tsarina Doyle - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In this article I examine the character of Nietzsche's naturalism by highlighting the role of natural causality in his efforts to translate the human being back into nature (BGE 230).1 Although it...
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    LSDNA: Rhetoric, consciousness expansion, and the emergence of biotechnology.Richard Doyle - 2002 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 35 (2):153-174.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 35.2 (2002) 153-174 [Access article in PDF] LSDNA: Rhetoric, Consciousness Expansion, and the Emergence of Biotechnology Richard Doyle I had to struggle to speak intelligibly. —Albert Hofmann on his self-experiment with LSD-25 Finding a place to start is of utmost importance. Natural DNA is a tractless coil, like an unwound and tangled audio tape on the floor of the car in the dark. —Kary Mullis (...)
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    Ustane’s Evolution versus Ayesha’s Immortality in H. Rider Haggard’s She.Mark Doyle - 2014 - Philosophy and Literature 38 (1A):A60-A74.
    H. Rider Haggard’s adventure story She is a favorite of Freudian critics who focus on the demonic, erotic, immortal Ayesha as a symbol of the “eternal feminine.” They mostly ignore, however, the mortal Ustane, the other powerful woman in She. The sources of Ustane’s strength suggest an ideological reason for her neglect: she reflects biological imperatives, while the immortal Ayesha transcends them. Though the deaths of both women seem to thwart a resolution of these conflicting sources of potency, I contend (...)
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    ‘Spurious egocentricity’ and the first person.James Doyle - 2016 - Synthese 193 (11):3579-3589.
    I here adapt some ideas of Prior’s 1967 paper ‘On spurious egocentricity’ in the interest of seeing how much sense can be made of the doctrine that ‘I’ is not a referring-expression. I suggest how an account of ‘I’ might draw upon both Prior’s treatment of the operator ‘I believe that’ and of operators like ‘it is true that’ and ‘it is now the case that’, which Prior argues are logically very different from ‘I believe that’. In the final section (...)
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  33. Jamesian Free Will, The Two-stage Model Of William James.Bob Doyle - 2010 - William James Studies 5:1-28.
    Research into two-stage models of “free will” – first “free” random generation of alternative possibilities, followed by “willed” adequately determined decisions consistent with character, values, and desires – suggests that William James was in 1884 the first of a dozen philosophers and scientists to propose such a two-stage model for free will. We review the later work to establish James’s priority. By limiting chance to the generation of alternative possibilities, James was the first to overcome the standard two-part argument against (...)
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  34. Ringers for Belief.Casey Doyle - 2019 - In Casey Doyle, Joseph Milburn & Duncan Pritchard (eds.), New Issues in Epistemological Disjunctivism. New York: Routledge. pp. 345-365.
    This chapter examines an epistemological disjunctivist treatment of self-knowledge of belief. More specifically, it considers whether such a Disjunctivism is confronted by a familiar objection facing Disjunctivism about perceptual knowledge. The objection is this: given that good and bad cases are subjectively indistinguishable, one cannot take oneself to be in the good case, when one is, by reflection alone, as Disjunctivists claim. Some philosophers have argued that the objection does not apply to the case of self-knowledge; I argue they are (...)
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  35.  66
    Direct Discrimination, Indirect Discrimination and Autonomy.Oran Doyle - 2007 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 27 (3):537-553.
    Western liberal democracies tend to impose duties on public and private bodies that are often formulated as an obligation not to discriminate. For instance, the European Union prohibits direct and indirect discrimination on certain grounds in certain contexts. Under this model, indirect discrimination involves a measure that, although it does not directly (i.e. explicitly) discriminate on the basis of a proscribed ground, produces a disparate impact that correlates with such a proscribed ground. Indirect discrimination is generally viewed, both conceptually and (...)
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  36. The ethics of multilateral intervention.Michael Doyle - 2006 - Theoria 53 (109):28-48.
    In a widely cited and controversial speech, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan highlighted the moral character of the boundaries of political sovereignty when he questioned whether respecting national sovereignty everywhere and always precluded the international protection of human rights. He argued that it did not and highlighted the importance of multilateral authorization. In this article, I explore the difference that multilateral authority, as opposed to unilateral national decision, should make in justifying armed intervention. Should the more salient role of the United (...)
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  37.  48
    The Kantian Background to Nietzsche's Views on Causality.Tsarina Doyle - 2012 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 43 (1):44-56.
    This article addresses the Kantian background to Nietzsche's metaphysics. Focusing on the issues of causality and force, I argue that Nietzsche's will to power thesis emerges in response to Kant's approach to the question of causality. I contend that Nietzsche sides with Kant, contrary to Schopenhauer, in his identification of force with efficient causality, indicating his approval of Kant's restriction of the objective applicability of the concept of causality to the phenomenal sphere. However, Nietzsche contends that Kant fails to fully (...)
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  38.  6
    (1 other version)On Divine Foreknowledge. (Part IV of the Concordia) by Luis de Molina. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (2):369-371.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 369 On Divine Foreknowledge. (Part IV of the Concordia). By Lms DE MOLINA. Trans. Alfred J. Freddoso. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988. Pp. xii +286. $34.95. The contents of the sixteenth century Jesuit theologian Luis de Molina's famous work are specified in its title: Liberi arbitrii cum gratiae donis, divina praescientia, providentia, praedestinatione et reprobatione concordia-" The Agreement of Free Choice with the Gifts of Grace, Divine (...)
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    The Methodological Roles of Tolerance and Conventionalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics: Reconsidering Carnap's Logic of Science.Emerson P. Doyle - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Western Ontario
    This dissertation makes two primary contributions. The first three chapters develop an interpretation of Carnap's Meta-Philosophical Program which places stress upon his methodological analysis of the sciences over and above the Principle of Tolerance. Most importantly, I suggest, is that Carnap sees philosophy as contiguous with science—as a part of the scientific enterprise—so utilizing the very same methods and subject to the same limitations. I argue that the methodological reforms he suggests for philosophy amount to philosophy as the explication of (...)
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    A Critique of Information Ethics.Tony Doyle - 2010 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (1-2):163-175.
    Luciano Floridi presents Information Ethics (IE) as an alternative to traditional moral theories. IE consists of two tenets. First, reality can be interpreted at numerous, mutually consistent levels of abstraction, the highest of which is information. This level, unlike the others, applies to all of reality. Second, everything, insofar as it is an information object, has some degree of intrinsic value and hence moral dignity. I criticize IE, arguing that Floridi fails to show that the moral community should be expanded (...)
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  41.  50
    Ethics, nuclear terrorism, and counter-terrorist nuclear reprisals – a response to John mark mattox's 'nuclear terrorism: The other extreme of irregular warfare'.Thomas E. Doyle - 2011 - Journal of Military Ethics 10 (4):296-308.
    This paper critically examines John Mark Mattox's view of the nature of the moral appropriateness of particular response options. By so doing, I aim to engage the wider readership in a debate, which I hope leads to greater clarity and precision of thinking on these topics. After summarizing Mattox's view, I argue first that in order for Mattox's ultimate conclusion to hold in moral terms, he must abandon the argument on the permissibility of nuclear reprisal to re-establish nuclear deterrence and (...)
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  42.  53
    Reconciling the Phenomenology and Metaphysics of Value.Tsarina Doyle - 2016 - Idealistic Studies 46 (3):277-300.
    This paper aims to reconcile the phenomenology and metaphysics of value by proposing a cognitivist and metaphysically committed account of evaluation and value inspired, in part, by the phenomenological arguments of J. N. Findlay in relation to value. By the phenomenology of value I mean the affective—commendatory—character of evaluations such as when I describe something as good or bad, worthwhile or not worthwhile. Whilst this—subjective—aspect of evaluation is largely uncontested, there is much disagreement about the cognitive and metaphysical status of (...)
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    Suárez’ transzendentale Seinsauslegung und die Metaphysik-tradition. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (4):886-887.
    Darge acknowledges that Suárez does in some manner continue the line of Avicenna and Duns Scotus. But focusing on the theme of the transcendental properties of being, which are reduced to unity, truth, and goodness, or, concretely, the one, the true, and the good, he sees the Suarezian metaphysics as a revival and a revision of pre-Scotist teaching, found especially in St. Thomas Aquinas’s De veritate I, a. 1. For his understanding of such pre-Scotistic doctrine, Darge follows in a thoughtful (...)
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    Modeling the population dynamics of annual plants with seed bank and density dependent effects.Marc Jarry, Mohamed Khaladi, Martine Hossaert-McKey & Doyle McKey - 1995 - Acta Biotheoretica 43 (1-2):53-65.
    A model is proposed for the population dynamics of an annual plant (Sesbania vesicaria) with a seed bank (i.e. in which a proportion of seeds remain dormant for at least one year). A simple linear matrix model is deduced from the life cycle graph. The dominant eigenvalue of the projection matrix is estimated from demographic parameters derived from field studies. The estimated values for population growth rate () indicates that the study population should be experiencing a rapid exponential increase, but (...)
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  45.  24
    Book Notes. [REVIEW]Herbert Wallace Schneider, Bruce A. Garside, A. R. Louch, James F. Doyle & F. H. Ross - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):103-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Book Reviews St. Auc~stine and Being: A Me$aphyM,cal Essay. By James F. Anderson. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1965.Pp. viii [i] + 76. Guilders 9.90.) Contemporary students of medieval philosophy, especially those influenced by the writings of Gilson, usually view Augustine as primarily an essentialist in metaphysics, while Aquinas is viewed as some sort of existentialist. This is taken to mean that, whereas Augustine seems to identify being with essence (...)
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    Book notes. [REVIEW]Herbert Wallace Schneider, Bruce A. Garside, A. R. Louch, James F. Doyle & F. H. Ross - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):287-293.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Book Reviews St. Auc~stine and Being: A Me$aphyM,cal Essay. By James F. Anderson. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1965.Pp. viii [i] + 76. Guilders 9.90.) Contemporary students of medieval philosophy, especially those influenced by the writings of Gilson, usually view Augustine as primarily an essentialist in metaphysics, while Aquinas is viewed as some sort of existentialist. This is taken to mean that, whereas Augustine seems to identify being with essence (...)
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    Introduction: The Ethics of Captivity.Thomas I. White - 2018 - In Andrew Linzey & Clair Linzey (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Practical Animal Ethics. London: Palgrave Macmillan Uk. pp. 147-152.
    Of all the issues related to animal ethics discussed in this handbook, perhaps the most visible is captivity. This chapter begins with an overarching critique of captivity in Lori Gruen’s “Incarceration, Liberty and Dignity.” It proceeds to a fundamental challenge to the ethical defensibility of zoos in Liz Tyson’s “Speciesism and Zoos.” The final set of essays detail the harm produced by the captivity of nonhuman animals who are known to be intellectually, emotionally and socially sophisticated. Catherine Doyle’s “Elephants (...)
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  48. Anna Doyle Wheeler : Philosopher, Socialist, Feminist.Margaret McFadden - 1989 - Hypatia 4 (1):91-101.
    This essay examines the life and work of early socialist thinker Anna Doyle Wheeler, who, with the Owenite theorist William Thompson, was author of The Appeal of One Half the Human Race, Women, Against the Pretentions of the Other Half, Men …. In analyzing her thought, I employ a typological model for the development of a feminist consciousness proposed by Michèle Riot-Sarcey and Eleni Varikas. These authors posit three types of a feminist “pariah” consciousness: 1) exceptional woman feminism 2) (...)
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    Eric Doyle OFM: Hidden Architect of the Retrieval of the Franciscan Charism by Brenda Abbott (review).Robert J. Karris - 2023 - Franciscan Studies 80 (1):249-250.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Eric Doyle OFM: Hidden Architect of the Retrieval of the Franciscan Charism by Brenda AbbottRobert J. Karris, OFMBrenda Abbott, Eric Doyle OFM: Hidden Architect of the Retrieval of the Franciscan Charism. Durham, UK: Franciscan Publishing, 2021. Pp. vii + 388. 16 photos. £15.00. ISBN: 9781915198013.Father Eric Doyle, OFM, a member of the Province of the Immaculate Conception, UK, was born in 1938 and died in (...)
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  50. Comment on Michael Doyle's Tanner lectures.Jeff McMahan - unknown
    I find myself in the awkward position – awkward, that is, for a commentator – of agreeing with virtually all aspects of Michael Doyle’s powerful critique of what international law and current US doctrine imply about preventive war, and with most of his constructive suggestions for a new set of laws, institutions, and policies for addressing threats to national and international security that seem both real and serious but are not imminent. Yet, although what he says is largely right, (...)
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